Tuesday, 5 August 2014

I Have Been Nominated For A Liebster Award!

Hi everyone! I have been nominated for a Liebster award by the ever so lovely Grace from lovejunkiibeautique. I am so Excited! I am new to the blogging world and I had to read the post to understand what this means - but before I start, I would like to again thank Grace! Please check her out! 

Once I Checked out the post, I quickly discovered it is a way for bloggers to get to know one another, which is of course a fabulous idea! The only rules being:
-   You must link back to the blogger/s that nominated you
-   You must answer 11 questions given to you by the blogger that nominated you
-   You must nominate 5-11 bloggers and give them 11 questions of your choice – and they must have less than 200 followers
-   You cannot nominate the blogger who nominated you
-   You must let the bloggers you choose know that you nominated them and provide a link to your post so that they can see the rules & questions
Grace also stated 11 facts about herself, so I will too! Enjoy!

1. What is your biggest challenge when it comes to blogging? My Biggest Challenge when it comes to blogging is paying attention! I often blog on my lounge room floor with the TV on in the background and more often than not, I find myself watching TV instead of blogging – oops!
2. What else do you do besides blogging? I am a qualified Beauty Therapist & when I’m not blogging, I’m working at the salon pampering & beautifying my lovely clients, or I am at home pampering and beautifying my family. Unfortunately, this often means I miss out. I also have a promotional twitter account in which I promote beauty bloggers, but they don’t know it’s me mwahahaha..
3. Do you travel often? If so where have you gone? If not name places you would love to visit! I have traveled most of Queensland, I have been to New South Wales and Melbourne and am going to Sydney later this year! In terms of leaving the country, I have been to Vanuatu and New Caledonia on a cruise in 2011 and it was amazing! I love travelling and cannot wait to travel the world. Some of the places I want to go are: Europe, Egypt, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Thailand, Spain and to Kenya!
4. What is your favourite season and why? For a second I thought season as in TV shows.. I need to get outside more! I would have to say probably spring for the weather, but I hate it equally due to Hayfever.
5. What shows do you like to watch? Far too many to be considered healthy. I love Hart of Dixie, Man vs Wild, Man vs Food, The Big bang theory, The L word, Californication, Pretty Little Liars, Girls, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, The block (Australia). Oh dear I should stop before this starts to look too sad.
6. All time favourite movie? The book of Eli. Fabulous Movie. Seriously, watch it!
7. Do you speak any other languages? Any you would like to learn? No, but I am actually learning Spanish. I use Duolingo which is available in the app store, and am still wrapping my head around feminine and masculine words.
8. What do you find attractive in others? Honesty and kindness.
9. What is your pet peeve? Unnecessary noise. I have to leave the room.
10. What is a beauty product you can't live without? Eeek. Just one? Solely because I have been using it FOREVER, my Maybelline Baby Lips in cherry.

Eleven Facts About Me:
1. I help out beauty bloggers and they don't know it's me - go me!
2. I love coffee.. far too much!
3. I love animals so much! I have had so many pets in so many species over the years!
4. I am a bit of a know-it-all and really don't mean to be. I just like helping people and happen to know a lot of useless & useful information.
5. I am only 19 and am a fully qualified beauty therapist and own my own car.
6. I am a perfectionist. It even annoys me.
7. I am a grammar Nazi. Sorry, but learn the difference between the different your and you're and their, there and they're. Please.
8. I have a short attention span and I don't mean to, but if I'm not interested, I'm already not listening. I often have to force myself to pay attention. I should really do something about that.
9. I spend far too much money on makeup that I really do not need. You don't even want to know how many different foundations I have *SIGH*.
10. I am very good at procrastinating. Like VERY good :(
11. When I'm home I stay in my PJ's - yes I do shower. I'm lazy, not dirty.

The Bloggers I'm nominating for the Award are:

Your 11 questions are:
1. How & why did you get into blogging?
2. What do you like to do in your spare time?
3. What are your favourite movies & TV shows?
4. Where have you traveled to in the world? Where would you like to go?
5. What are the attributes that you look for in a partner or friend?
6. Who are some of your favourite bloggers?
7. What are some life goals you would like to achieve & what goals have you already achieved?
8. What guilty pleasures do you have?
9. If you could be any animal what would you choose & why?
10. If you were only allowed to purchase one makeup/beauty brand for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
11. Beauty tip you swear by.

I would like you to also state 11 facts about yourself! Thanks so much again for nominating me & I look forward to reading your posts! When you have posted please tweet me the link to @shannikajade so that I can read your posts!
Until next time..
-Beauty Geek x


  1. Hi dear, thank you for nominating me to Liebster Award. I appreciate that. I'll make it!! Wish me luck!!

    Nice to know you, ^_^


    1. You're welcome! Can't wait to see your post!

  2. You're a beauty therapist? Whoaaa, that's so cool! :) I really like maybelline baby lips too, and I want to try the cherry me one!

    Thanks so much for the nomination! I'm honoured <3

    Every Day In Grace

    1. I am! Thankyou! I have always wanted to be a Beauty Therapist and am someone who has always known what I have wanted out of life. It's my favourite, can't go wrong with cherry! And you're so welcome! Make sure you tag me in your post do I can read it! Xo

  3. Hi ShannikaJade, kindly check my blogpost about Liebster Award,
    Thank You,

    1. Already did! Great post! Hope you enjoyed being a part of it x
